Souk Ahras
Souk Ahras
- Code:
- 41
- Name in arabic:
- سوق أهراس
- Name in english:
- Souk Ahras
- Name in berber:
- ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵙⵓⵇ ⴰⵀⵔⴰⵙ
- Phone Code:
- 037
- Zip code:
- 41000
- Population:
- 438 127 hab. (2008)
- Area :
- 4 630 km²
Presentation of the wilaya
The wilaya of Souk Ahras (in Arabic : ولاية سوق أهراس ; in Berber : ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⴰⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵙⵓⵇ ⴰⵀⵔⴰⵙ ), is an Algerian wilaya located in the North-East of Algeria which has existed since 1984 and has 10 daïras and 26 municipalities.
GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION (Relief - Climate, etc.)
The wilaya of Souk Ahras is located in the north-east of Algeria, east of the Aurès and on the Tunisian border .
The geomorphological configuration of the Wilaya is characterized by two non-homogeneous sets with altitudes varying from 1000 m in the North to 650 m in the South.
These physical and natural peculiarities reveal:
- In the North: a mountainous area, relatively well watered and sheltering an appreciable forest type plant cover.
- In the South: an area corresponding to the domain of the high plains, with a semi-arid climate and sheltering steppe vegetation.
Weather :
The climate of the wilaya is Mediterranean in the north and continental in the extreme south. The temperatures vary between seasons (up to 10 ° C in January and 45 ° C in August). Average temperatures are 15 ° C in January and 35 ° C in July .
In winter, the prevailing winds are those from the northwest. They are laden with rain.
In autumn, the winds blowing in the direction of the interior, have a softening role on the high temperature of the region.
The Sirocco Still irregular, blowing from the southwest |
The souk ahras forests are the most diverse with a very large area ; they are considered to be home to enormous animal and plant wealth, such as elk and mountain goats, wolves, striped hyenas, wild boars and various species of wild birds.
The wilaya of Souk Ahras is a wilaya with a mining and agricultural vocation
Agricultural potentials
The Wilaya of Souk Ahras has significant agricultural potential, namely :
- Total agricultural area (SAT) : from 311,492 ha or 71.44% of the total area.
- Usable agricultural area (UAA) : Nearly 253,606 ha or 58.17% of the total area of the Wilaya and 81.41% of the SAT
- Forest area is 96,463 ha , ie a rate of 22.12% of the total area of the Wilaya.
- Irrigated area : 6,300 ha.
- Cattle : 97,800 head .
- Sheep : 375,000 head .
- Goats : 112,000 head .
Poultry farming
- Chickens AND Turkeys : 1,899,400 .
Beekeeping :
- 10,607 beehives .
The wilaya has untapped mining resources : lead from Jebel El Oued, lead and zinc from Khedara, iron from Jebel el Ballout and Jebel Ledjbel and barite from Draa Zarga .
The water potential of the Wilaya of Souk-Ahras, estimated at 265 million m 3 / year, is appreciable in view of its rainfall which varies from 300 mm / year in the South zone and to 650 mm / year in the North zone. These potentialities consist of:
- Surface water : 23,000,000 m 3 , including 18,460,000 m 3 mobilized per year, or 32% .
- Groundwater : 22,080,925 m 3 , of which: 12,000,000 m 3 mobilized per year, or 100% .
Surface water comes mainly from the Ain-Dalia dam and the Foum El Khenga dam, with a total capacity of 233 million m3.
This wilaya includes the following dams :
- Oued Charef dam .
- Aïn Dalia dam .
- Oued Djedra dam .
- Oued Ghenam dam .
- Zouabi dam .
Road network
Its road network constituting a pillar likely to make it a tourist destination able to attract investors, for the restoration of its heritage and the exploitation of mountainous spaces allowing, thus, the development of this territory and the improvement of the quality of life that reigns there.
The Souk Ahras station is an Algerian railway station, located near the center of Souk Ahras, in the wilaya of Souk Ahras .
It is a station of the National Railway Transport Company (SNTF), open to passenger and freight services.
Education :
There are educational centers at all levels, from primary to higher education, as well as many private schools.
The National Education Sector, which includes a set of schools, including 258 primary schools, 57 complementary schools and 21 secondary schools.
The educational and professional sector counts 19 institutions, 16 training centres and 3 accredited private-training centres.
There are three large hospital institutions, two in the capital of Ela wilaya:
- Bin Rushd Medical Hospital ,
- The "Old" Surgical Hospital ,
- Houari Boumediene Hospital , Sedrata .
- Oncology department.
- obstetrics department.
There are also several other structures in the territory of the State, including 74 treatment rooms and 26 multiservice clinics.
The promotion of this sector is one of the important objectives that the Wilaya is working to achieve, natural, historical and cultural factors being favorable. The tourist wealth benefits from the existence of archaeological, historical and cultural sites (sites of Taoura , Madaure , Khemissa , Tiffech and the olive tree of Augustin d'Hippone ), thermal hammams (Ouled Ziad, El Ma Lahmar, El F ' Hiss and Tassa) and natural sites including forests (mountain tourism for relaxation and leisure), where forestry heritage occupies nearly 20 % of the territory. This multiplicity of potentialities will open up great opportunities for investment and the realization of promising tourism projects such as the construction of tourist complexes, hotels, swimming pools, leisure and attraction parks...
Lotissement Kouicem Abdelhak N ° 2, Souk Ahras, Algeria
Contact details of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Souk Ahras
CCIM / Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Medjerda
- Address:
- Lotissement Kouicem Abdelhak N ° 2, Souk Ahras, Algeria
- Email:
- Mobile:
- There is no primary mobile phone
- Landline number:
037 71 01 10
- Fax:
037 71 01 11
- Viber:
- There is no viber account
- Work hours:
- We don't have this information.