- Code:
- 35
- Name in arabic:
- بومرداس
- Name in english:
- Boumerdès
- Name in berber:
- ⵜⴰⵏⴻⴱⴹⵉⵜ ⵏ ⴱⵓⵎⴻⵔⴷⴰⵙ
- Phone Code:
- 024
- Zip code:
- 35000
- Population:
- 802 083 hab. (2008)
- Area :
- 1 591 km2
Presentation of the wilaya
The wilaya of Boumerdès (in Berber : Tanebḍit n Bumerdas , transcribed in Tifinagh : ⵜⴰⵏⴻⴱⴹⵉⵜ ⵏ ⴱⵓⵎⴻⵔⴷⴰⵙ ; in Arabic : ولاية بومرداس ) is an Algerian wilaya located in the north of the country, between the region of Algiers and Lower Kabylia west of Tizi Ouzou .
The capital of the wilaya, the city of Boumerdès , is located 45 km east of the capital Algiers , 52 km west of Tizi Ouzou and 25 km north of Bouira .
The wilaya is located in the north of the country on 100 km from the coast, 45 km from Algiers . Boumerdès is a coastal wilaya in the center of the country which covers 1,456.16 km² with 100 km of coastline going from the cape of Boudouaou El Bahri in the west, to the eastern limit of the commune of Afir .
The wilaya of Boumerdès has 9 daïras including 32 municipalities
GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION (Relief - Climate, etc.)
The wilaya of Boumerdès is bordered: to the north by the Mediterranean Sea between Boudouaou El Bahri and Afir; to the west by the wilaya of Algiers; to the east by the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou (high Kabylie massif); to the South West by the wilaya of Blida (Mitidja plain); to the south by the wilaya of Bouira (Bouira plateau).
The relief of the Wilaya of Boumerdes is characterized by the juxtaposition of well-differentiated physical sets: plains and valleys to the north, hills and plateaus in the intermediate part and mountains to the south.
Weather :
The wilaya of Boumerdes is characterized by a Mediterranean climate (cold and humid winters and hot and dry summers). The rainfall is irregular and varies between 500 and 1,300 mm / year. It should be noted that the Dellys region has more water than the rest of the wilaya with an average rainfall equal to 900 mm / year. The annual thermal amplitudes are generally low in the wilaya; this being due to the proximity of the sea. The average temperature is 18 ° near the coast and 25 ° inland.
The forestry potential of the wilaya is made up of dense forests, undergrowth and a veritable vegetation cover made up of different species. There are 08 forests in the wilaya which total an area of 22,951 ha or 15.75% of the area of the wilaya.
The economic potential of the wilaya is developing, due to its proximity to the city of Algiers and the industrial tradition. The wilaya had thus housed the two industrial zones of REGHAIA and ROUIBA, before their attachment to the wilaya of Algiers.
The economic potential also lies in the mineral deposits. The geological formation of the territory of the wilaya has generated the existence of certain useful substances such as clays and some pedestal buttonholes (marmorated limestones, marble, etc.) which are associated with magmatic bodies (granite, rhyolite, basalt, etc.) .
The wilaya has satisfactory reserves of useful substances necessary for the production of aggregates: limestones from the Bouzegza, Keddara and Si Mustapha massif. The clays widely developed in the region of Boudouaou and Zemmouri constitute the basis of the raw material for the production of bricks and tiles.
Agricultural potentials
The wilaya has agricultural potential of great value, which is mostly located in the valley of the lower Isser, the plain of Sabaou and the perimeter of Hamiz (plain of Mitidja East). The wilaya is classified in zone one (1) with strong agricultural potential. The Useful Agricultural Area (SAU) is 65,738 ha out of a Total Agricultural Area (SAT) of 99,592 ha or 68% of the total area of the Wilaya. The Irrigated Agricultural Area is around 12,200 ha.
Land use Agricultural campaign 2009/2010 :
- Cereals : 6,500 ha
- Fodder : 13,794 ha
- Arboriculture : 21,346 ha
- Market gardening : 26,154 ha including potatoes : 2,948 ha
The management and development of industrial land, as the main source of employment and wealth for the wilaya, is the major concern of local public authorities.
Activity Zones : 22 in number and spread over 16 municipalities in the wilaya, the Activity Zones cover an area of 1,675,508 M2 where 422 projects are located and are in the activity phase.
Rehabilitation of business areas:
Three operations to rehabilitate business areas have been granted for the Wilaya of Boumerdès, namely:
- Naciria business area
- The activity area of Ouled Moussa
- The Khemis El Khechna business area
The Handicraft Industry and Traditional Crafts
Boumerdès is known for its artisanal industry, ceramics par excellence which adorns the walls of houses and large rooms, utensils and certain decorative elements.
Water resources The wilaya is considered among the regions with the most water at the national level because it receives an annual rainfall of between 500 mm and 1300 mm per year. Groundwater is made up of deep and superficial water tables with a volume of 93 hm³. Of course, surface water is a significant resource.
Its water resource also through its dams. The wilaya has large underground and surface water reserves, in the order of 99.91 hm3, distributed over six aquifers (Bas Sebaou, Bas Isser, Oued Boumerdès, Oued Corso, Oued Boudouaou, Eastern Mitidja). The wilaya's six dams (three large dams and three small dams) form the surface reserves with a theoretical total capacity of : 183 million m3.
- Keddara dam : 145, 600,000 m3
- Hamiz dam : 16, 280,000 m3
- Beni Amrane dam : 13, 100,000 m3
- Sahel Bouberek dam : 3, 700,000 m3
- Djinet dam : 2, 800,000 m3
- Chender dam : 1, 700,000 m3.
Road network
Due to its strategic geographical location, the wilaya has become an inevitable crossroads, with an intense road network traversing it, in particular the RN24, the RN25 and the RN5. The road network also has a total length of 1483 km, divided into:
-282 km of national roads
-350 km of Wilaya paths
-851 km of communal roads The wilaya of Boumerdès will also be linked by the large East-West highway project, and bypass roads.
Railway network :
The rail network crosses the wilaya of Boumerdes in its northern part as well as in its south-eastern part. It is 67.5 km long and is divided into three sections :
-The 20.5 km electrified double-track section connects Boudouaou to Thenia
-The 17.20 km section connects Thenia to Ammal on a single track
-The Thenia_Naciria section in a single track, 29.5 km long. It also has a rail network that provides quality services.
It is marked out by 7 railway stations which run from West to East as follows :
-CORSO station,
-BOUMERDES station,
-THENIA station,
-ISSER station,
-NACIRIA station,
-BENI AMRANE station.
Port infrastructure :
The wilaya's port infrastructures consist of 3 fishing ports :
1. The port of Dellys: It was built in 1952, it is sheltered by the point of Dellys which protects it from strong swells from the West and the North. It is a mixed port: fishing and trade. It is located 58 km from the capital of the wilaya, 46 east of Zemmouri. The existing fleet is made up of 162 fishing units.
2. The port of Zemmouri: It is located 48 km east of Algiers and 12 km east of the capital of the wilaya. It is a port with a capacity of 183 fishing units.
3. The port of Djinet: It is located 35 km east of the capital of the wilaya, it is a port nearing completion with a capacity of 115 fishing units. It is ports, shelters and stranding beaches contribute to the economic and social development of the wilaya region.
Education :
The Education sector has a total of 477 establishments comprising 4,601 classes. During the start of the 2009/2010 school year, the number of pupils in all levels combined reached 159,406 students, including 81,647 girls (51.22%) spread over 5,140 teaching divisions and supervised by 7,306 teachers.
The support structures of the sector are represented by:
-150 school canteens for 44,000 beneficiaries.
-11 boarding schools for 319 beneficiaries of the secondary cycle at Dellys.
-43 half-pensions for 14,992 beneficiaries.
The vocational education and training sector must meet the challenges it faces, by linking up with other segments of the education system as well as with the world of work which represents its purpose.
The wilaya's vocational training apparatus includes:
-15 CFPA with a total capacity of 4,700 places
-7 Annexes attached with a total capacity of 720 places
-2 Higher National Institutes of Vocational Training in Boumerdès with a total capacity of 750 places
The health sector includes three Public Hospital Establishments (EPH) in Thenia, Bordj Menaiel and Dellys and four Public Proximity Health Establishments (EPSP) in Boumerdès, Khemis El Khechna, Bordj Menaiel and Dellys.
The three Public Hospital Establishments have three hospitals with 563 beds (Bordj Menaiel hospital: 230, Dellys hospital: 162, Thenia hospital: 171). In terms of light health infrastructure, the wilaya has:
-34 polyclinics ;
-13 maternities ;
-102 treatment rooms ;
-30 screening and care units (UDS).
-30 medical analysis laboratories.
The wilaya of Boumerdes is characterized by:
1- A variety of reliefs alternating coastal plains, deep valleys, mountains, woodlands, high plains and beaches sometimes delimited by rocky beaks that plunge steeply into the sea offer panoramic points.
2- The existence of 10 tourist expansion zones (ZET) which total an area of 4,512 ha:
-Daïra de Boudouaou: 01 ZET of 419 ha.
-Daïra Boumerdes - Thénia: 03 ZET of 542 ha.
-Daïra de Bordj Ménaiel: 03 ZET of 2,731 ha.
-Daïra de Baghlia: 01 ZET of 520 ha. v Daïra de Dellys: 02 ZET of 300 ha.
City 392 Housing, Building # 18.Bp 33m, Boumerdes, Algeria
Contact details of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
CCIS / Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sahel
- Address:
- City 392 Housing, Building # 18.Bp 33m, Boumerdes, Algeria
- Email:
- Mobile:
0771 26 33 03
- Landline number:
024 79 72 70
024 79 72 69
- Fax:
024 79 72 70
- Viber:
- There is no viber account
- Work hours:
- We don't have this information.
- Website: