- Code:
- 30
- Name in arabic:
- ورڨلة
- Name in english:
- Ouargla
- Name in berber:
- ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵡⵔⴳⵔⵏ
- Phone Code:
- 029
- Zip code:
- 30000
- Population:
- 133024 hab (2008)
- Area :
- 211 980 km2
presentation of the wilaya:
The wilaya of Ouargla (in Berber: ⵜⴰⵡⵉⵍⵢⵜ ⵏ ⵡⵔⴳⵔⵏ; in Arabic: ولاية ورڨلة) is an Algerian wilaya. The wilaya of Ouargla is the economic heart and lung of Algeria thanks to oil from Hassi Messaoud. Its area is 211,980 km2, and its population is estimated at 633,967 inhabitants. This wilaya brings together, since the end of the 1970s, all origins and represents all the communities of this country.
GEOGRPHIC SITUATION (Relief, Climate, etc.)
- The wilaya of Ouargla located in the south-east of the country, is limited:
- To the north: by the wilayas of Djelfa and El oued
- To the East: via Tunisia
- To the south: through the wilayas of Tamanrasset and Illizi
- To the West: by the wilaya of Ghardaïa.
The relief of the wilaya is a subset of geographical components composed of: the great eastern erg, the hamada, the valleys, the plains and the depressions.
The wilaya of Ouargla is characterized by a Saharan climate, with very low rainfall and high temperatures, especially in summer.
Agricultural land: The soil potential is significant and the areas exploited as part of the development are of the order of 60,000 ha.
This potential is largely located in the northwest of the Wilaya (Ouargla-El Hadjira-Dzioua), in the Oued Righ valley and finally on the Hassi Messaoud-Gassi Touil axis.
Water resources:
They are represented by groundwater from four large Albian aquifers.
The depth of the different aquifers varies between 100 and 1800 m, which requires significant investment for their exploitation.
Oil and energy:
The main energy resources of the country are found in the basement of the Wilaya of Ouargla in the region of Hassi Messaoud where exploitation began in 1956. Since then new discoveries have been made in the basins of Gassi Touil, Berkaoui and Ghourd El Bagel.
Agriculture sector: The Wilaya of Ouargla is primarily a date palm region since its potential is 2,363,700 palm trees including 1,955,700 productive palm trees with a production of around 86,000 tons of dates per year and an annual planting of nearly 50,000 new seedlings. Animal production is 4956 QX of red meat, 471 QX of white meat and 2496 liters of milk.
Energy sector: The Hassi Messaoud basin has an area of around 1,500 km2 and annual production exceeds 20 million tonnes of oil.
Solar energy: may in the future be used in the following segments: solar power plants,
photovoltaic lighting, photovoltaic pumps, humidifiers, extractors
The road network in this wilaya is 1484 km of national roads, 363 km of wilaya paths and 232 km of municipal paths.
An industrial zone and 12 activity zones
A major university center that supports more than 25,000 students,
The national education sector has a set of schools including 287 primary schools, 87 CEMs and 30 high schools.
The health sector includes 03 hospitals, 24 polyclinics and 74 treatment rooms.
Main Industries:
Construction materials, semolina milling, cement bagging, industrial gas production, structural steelwork, metal processing, glass production, plastic processing, PVC production, ceramic tiles, steel billets, dairy, date processing, beverages carbonated.
Industrial potential of the wilaya of Ouargla:
Apart from the activity related to hydrocarbons, the industrial sector is very underdeveloped and remains to be promoted.
With industrial units of national importance based in particular in Touggourt and its region (metallurgy, chemicals, semolina factories/mills, building materials, especially red products, etc.), a large industrial zone in Touggourt and business parks in other cities, the industrial sector, despite the economic crisis it has experienced, is expected to experience much more ambitious development over the next few years.
Economic activities:
Known at all times to have been a renowned tourist region and this thanks to its strong tourist potential (sites and monuments, natural areas, local customs, infrastructures, proven tourist traditions, etc.), the wilaya of Ouargla must put back on this sector with strong economic potential.
The wilaya has 25 hotels with a capacity of 775 rooms with 1473 beds.
The wilaya has a large number of tourist assets not yet fully exploited, these are natural sites (sand dunes, Hamada valley), tourist and cultural sites (Ksours), traditional craft sector
Ouargla Shopping Center.Bp 448, Ouargla, Algeria
Contact details of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
CCIO / Oasis Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Address:
- Ouargla Shopping Center.Bp 448, Ouargla, Algeria
- Email:
- Mobile:
- There is no primary mobile phone
- Landline number:
029 70 30 17
- Fax:
029 70 15 22
- Viber:
- There is no viber account
- Work hours:
- We don't have this information.
- Website:
- http://www.ccioasis-dz.com/